Top 5 Summer Safety Tips for Pet Parents
from Dr. Jyl.

1. Fireworks & Thunderstorms
Loud noises like fireworks are one of the top reasons pets go missing, so secure your pet in an escape-proof place. If your pet does go missing, download the ASPCA app for a free step-by-step digital toolkit to help find your pet:

2. Sun & Heat
High summer temperatures and bright days can mean dehydration, overheating, and scorched paws. Know the signs of overheating (excessive panting, increased heart rate, and weakness) and bring your pup indoors or to a cool, shady place.

3. Toxic Chemicals
Insecticides, citronella products, and glow sticks are toxic to pets. Keep your pet away from areas where chemicals have been sprayed and ensure dangerous products are out of reach.

4. Parties & Barbecues
If your pet’s joining the party, make sure guests don’t feed your pet human food (especially grapes, onions, avocado, and chocolate) and ensure alcoholic drinks are kept out of your pet’s reach.

5. Hot Cars
Even with the windows open an inch, a car’s temperature can reach over 100° in 10 minutes on an 85° day. One quick errand can turn dangerous in minutes, so leave your pet safely at home.